Dr Dele Olajide

Dr Dele Olajide was, until his retirement in 2015, a Consultant Psychiatrist at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, where he was responsible for an acute male inpatient unit in the Psychosis Clinical Academic Group. He is also the Caldicott Guardian, Governor of the Trust, a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and an International Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. During his career, he has worked on secondment in the Department of Health as a Senior Medical Officer where he was responsible for Ethnic Minority Mental Health Policies, liaising with the Royal Colleges, GMC and Royal College of Nursing. He also served as Senior Medical Adviser to the Secretary of State for Transport.

Over the past 30 years, Dr Olajide has contributed to and developed numerous services for ethnic minority mental health. He has given many public lectures, made media appearances and published two books and numerous articles. In particular, Dr. Olajide developed the award winning Cares for Life project which became the model on which the National Improving Access to Psychological Therapies was based.


Past and Current Confer Events


Distress or Disease?
Traumatic roots and treatment implications for black people within the UK mental health system

Saturday 3 October 2015

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