Jon Blend MA

Jon Blend is a relational gestalt /integrative child and adult psychotherapist and Lifemusic practitioner with a background in psychiatry. He works in private practice and teaches at The Gestalt and Minster Centres and internationally. He has co-led dialogue groups with descendants of Holocaust survivors. Jon performs with Playback South , a ‘communitas’ oriented theatre company and is the son of a Viennese Kindertransportee.



Past and Current Confer Events


Psychological Trauma and the Child
Thursday 18, Friday 19 and Saturday 20 September 2008

The Big Idea
Friday 5 (evening) and Saturday 6 March 2010

Therapy in Motion: the journey of therapy through the language of the body
Friday 27 and Saturday 28 March 2015

War in the Consulting Room
Saturday 10 December 2016

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