Linda Chapman
Linda Chapman, MA, ATR-BC, is a registered and board certified art therapist and play therapist who directs the Art Therapy Institute of the Redwoods in Northern California, a center for learning and therapy. Linda was affiliated with the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine for 25 years, where she held clinical faculty and research appointments. Linda was a creator and for 10 years directed the UCSF/San Francisco General Hospital Pediatric Play Therapy Program, and has conducted federally funded art therapy outcome research with the UCSF/SFGH Injury Center and Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland. Linda is a nationally recognized expert in art therapy and play therapy with children who are victims of violence, child abuse and medical trauma. She is the author of several peer-review papers and has authored and co-authored chapters in Effective Treatments for PTSD: Practice Guidelines from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, California Art Therapy Trends and Group Play Therapy. She is a member of the review board of Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. Linda is an adjunct faculty member of many universities.
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Neurobiology and its Applications to Psychotherapy
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