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What is the difference between webcast and a webinar?
- Our webcasts are usually live events, filmed with professional cameras on-site as part of a face to face event that are broadcast through the Confer website using the YouTube streaming platform. Although we accept questions from viewers at home, these webcasts are slightly less interactive than a webinar session.
- Our webinars however, are more interactive and involve using 3rd party software (not directly accessed through our website). We are using Zoom software, where a group of attendees join the same ‘virtual room’ and can interact, talk, text chat and see each other (via webcam) where these options have been enabled.
- It’s worth noting we may restrict video interactions for our larger events (of 50+ attendees), to avoid distracting from the main speaker. However, we appreciate it helps to create a more engaging atmosphere, so we will encourage participation through the text chat and voice inputs wherever possible.
- For these larger events, we will likely use Zoom Webinar rather than Zoom Meetings. The general functionality will be exactly the same, with some restrictions on using video chat in particular (which can be problematic and distracting with a high number of attendees).
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