COVID-19 Seminars

Developing Resilience for Clinical Work in Challenging Times

Recorded Monday 6 July 2020

Therapy In The Time Of Covid-19

This series of seminars examines the impact of the current Covid-19 crisis on individuals, couples and families through the eyes of practitioners as we navigate this unprecedented and surreal shift in our lives.

Our speakers will explore the emotional meanings of being in lockdown, the reforming of one’s sense of self within states of isolation, or in relationships with sudden intensified intimacy…



Linda Graham, MFT,


“That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change; but that they build nests in our hair, this you can prevent.” Chinese proverb

Resilience, the capacities to cope quickly and skillfully with any crises or catastrophe, is especially needed in times of sudden transition and upheaval such as we’re experiencing with Covid-19. This webinar will provide practitioners with the very practical tools they need to help clients manage anxiety, distress and overwhelm and to maintain their own clarity and well-being. Linda will talk through ways to help clients to recover and sustain the natural baseline equilibrium of the nervous system including body-based tools of breath, touch and movement. She will give thought to the importance of cultivating positive emotional and relational experiences that shift the functioning of our brain from negativity, contraction, reactivity to more receptivity, more openness to learning and growth, more optimism. The direct, measurable, cause and effect outcome is resilience.


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£50pp in groups of over 10 (please apply to


A CPD certificate is not available for this Talk On Demand.


This pre-recorded webinar is 1.5 hours long.