Energy Diploma

A Certificate or Diploma in Practising Energy Psychotherapy 2021/2022

A clinical training for qualified counsellors, psychotherapists, clinical/counselling psychologists and psychiatrists


Saturday 24 July 2021 to Sunday 3 July 2022

After the success of the first Diploma in Practising Energy Psychotherapy (2020) we have decided to repeat this cutting-edge programme. The course provides in-depth online and in-person clinical training, inviting an open approach to integrating the myriad of contemporary energy psychologies into psychotherapy.

Working with the body alongside relational talking therapy is recognised as key when working with trauma and increasing understanding of the nervous system and advances in neurobiology support this.




Dr Phil MollonRuthie SmithPaul CroalSandra FiggessTessa Underwood,

The course presenters are some of the UK’s most experienced practitioners and teachers in the field of energy psychology and psychotherapy, who bring their wealth and depth of clinical experience to the teaching.

The teaching team also includes Course Assistants and Supervisors, who provide additional coaching and support for participants’ experiential learning.

International Energy Practitioners provide video content offering a taste of the wider field including Energy Psychology research.


The course will take place on two weekends and eight Saturdays over the year (12 days).  Of the twelve, nine will be online and three days in-person in London. The in-person days will be in 2022.

The course comprises theory, experiential practice of energy modalities in pairs and trios, small and large group discussion and monthly supervision groups.

  • At Certificate level: attending all the skills-based training seminars, online supervision groups and home study (90 units).
  • At Diploma level: attending all the skills-based training seminars, online supervision groups, home study and submission of a 5000-word dissertation (120 units).


Certificate in Practising Energy Psychotherapy

Diploma in Practising Energy Psychotherapy


The origins of energy in healing – combining the old and the new

Central to the ethos of our approach is the convergence of many different streams of ideas and practical applications for working with energy. This course aims to present underlying principles creating a solid foundation for practising energy psychotherapy. The healing traditions of working with subtle energies – meridians and chakras (energy centres) – such as in China, India and other ancient cultures are at least 5000 years old. From these beginnings we see the flowering of numerous energy disciplines in our contemporary world, including Acupuncture, Qi-Gong, Reiki, Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Advanced Integrative Therapy, Ask and Receive, Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy, and many others.

Integrating the body and energy fields into psychotherapy

This course aims to teach clinicians to effectively and safely integrate energy psychology into their therapy practice. By including the body and energy field it is possible to work more easily with deep rooted issues, including developmental and preverbal trauma that “talking therapies” alone struggle to reach. These methods are applicable in most aspects of therapeutic work facilitating significant breakthroughs in therapeutic impasse and blocks to development. They also provide valuable self-help resources for clients, enabling them to stabilise and regulate affect. Working in this way can be gentle and transformative.

Growing evidence base

Over 200 review articles, research studies and meta-analyses have been published in professional, peer-reviewed journals. This includes: • 65 randomized controlled trials • 50 clinical outcome studies (All except one of the above 115 studies document EP effectiveness) • 5 meta-analyses • 4 systematic reviews of EP modalities • 9 comparative reviews (EP & other therapies). All reviews document EP effectiveness

Making Energy Psychotherapy methods more widely accessible

The designers and facilitators of this course share a desire to make energy psychotherapy more widely accessible by providing a solid generic overview and foundation in the essential theories, principles and clinical skills. There is wide recognition of the need to include the body when working with trauma and energy psychology methods facilitate this, making the course highly relevant, bringing this work into the mainstream. The length and depth of this one-year course provides a supportive learning environment so practitioners can incrementally learn the tools of Energy Psychology and deepen their confidence in integrating these into their existing psychotherapeutic practice, assisted by clinical supervision in small groups throughout the course.

Energy psychotherapy – a depth approach

This course draws on the rich traditions of different psychotherapies including Jungian, Psychoanalytic, Attachment based, Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT), Person Centred, Gestalt, Transpersonal and other perspectives. In addition, energy psychotherapy works with people on many different levels including physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual, and with conscious and unconscious aspects following the ‘free association’  of the bodymind and clearing the deepest roots of trauma. It also engages different parts of the self, including the continuum of dissociative experiences, ‘parts’, ‘alters’ and ‘archetypes’ that are often associated with complex trauma, PTSD, and attachment trauma. The course combines an energy perspective with depth psychology to work with these complexities and also brings the possibility of clearing all kinds of trauma – in-utero, birth, developmental and attachment trauma – as well as trans-generational, cultural and historical trauma and energies and blockages held in a person’s energy field from a variety of sources.

Course Values – heart-centred, combining open-mindedness, curiosity, and playfulness with sound assessment skills and solid grounding.

Central to the course is a heart-centred approach which values the qualities of openness, curiosity and playfulness. Participants can experience the freedom, wonder and surprises which energy therapy can bring. The course combines this with a depth approach, where assessment of appropriate levels of therapeutic intervention and pacing of the work balances and provides solid grounding and safety.

Experiential skills-based learning

Practising Energy Psychotherapy is a skills-based training, where clinical discussion supervision, and self-directed study are all incorporated into the experiential learning. The series of one day training events cumulatively builds on and consolidates learning which facilitates a thorough grounding in energy psychotherapy. Participants will work with their own personal issues and triggers during training days in a confidential environment, so that the learning of clinical skills is fully embodied.

Respecting the uniqueness of each person’s own healing process and following the flow of energy

A characteristic aspect of working with energy is to “follow the flow” of each person’s unique healing process. Guided by free association of the mind and body and helped by “energy testing” (kinesiology), we respect that the client’s energy system knows best, both for what needs healing, and for the pacing of the work. The philosophy of the course includes being open to unknown or “higher” dimensions and sources of healing accessible in the energy realm beyond the conscious mind.


We intend that by the end of this year-long course, participants will have acquired competence in clinical work through:

  • An understanding of the history, origins and development of energy psychology techniques (including research) and their integration into psychotherapy.
  • An understanding of and ability to integrate work with the subtle energy systems of meridians, chakras and other components of the human energy system within the context of therapeutic relationship.
  • Competence in carrying out energy psychotherapy sessions – using the skills of energy testing, correcting imbalances and energy blockages, and identifying the core issue for therapeutic work, and applying energy methods to that focus.
  • Skills in working with the synergy of language, energy and intention.
  • The capacity to reflect on and integrate energy methods at deeper levels with an awareness of safety, ethics, formulations, understanding traumatic origins and planning the work. This will be illustrated by writing short clinical presentations of cases for discussion in supervision, and by writing dissertations for those at Diploma level.



24 July 2021 – 3 July 2022

Saturday 24 July 2021 (online)
Sunday 25 July 2021 (online)
Saturday 4 September 2021 (online)
Saturday 16 October 2021 (online)
Saturday 27 November 2021 (online)

Saturday 15 January 2022 (online)
Saturday 26 February 2022 (online)
Saturday 26 March 2022 (online)
Saturday 14 May 2022 (in person)
Saturday 11 June 2022 (online)
Saturday 2 July 2022 (in person)
Sunday 3 July 2022 (in person)


The following modules will be covered over the course of the year in 12 training seminars. Each module incorporates both theory and experiential learning. The teaching of course content will be adapted to suit the evolving learning needs of participants so will not necessarily be in the order it is presented below. Revision, ‘trouble- shooting’, Q and A and case discussion will be integrated throughout the course.


An introduction, history, and overview of energy psychotherapy to include: working in a heart-centred state of ‘presence’: kinesiology/energy testing’:  balancing the body’s energy system including correcting energetic disorganisation ; establishing energetic boundaries; and clearing energetic blockages (‘psycho-energetic reversals’)


An overview of ‘subtle energies’ including meridians and energy centres (chakras) learning basic acupoint tapping sequences.


Working with language, intention and thought-fields and introducing self-care energy methods for client and therapist to bring balance, ‘affect regulation’ and manage ‘triggering’.


Research and ethics in energy psychology and a deeper understanding of the chakras and their synthesis with neurobiology. Training includes phrase writing for formulating clinical issues, and learning how to release trauma from the body using the chakra system


The connection between psyche and soma: P.T.S.D, the nervous system and ways that traumatic patterns of trans-generational, in-utero, pre-verbal, attachment and developmental trauma are held in the body, and practising gentle methods to release this.


The power of positive Intention as an underpinning to healing including the role of thought processes and schemas and transforming neural pathways through clearing conscious and unconscious patterns using meridians, chakras and other energy methods.


Working with early attachment and pre-verbal trauma using a range of energy therapy methods where participants will begin to integrate work with ‘parts’ archetypes and ‘healing circles’.


Complex trauma, PTSD, dissociation, and “deeper reversals” using various energy practices to bring about stabilisation, grounding and embodiment, and working with ‘parts’ and ‘fragments’ to facilitate ego strengthening and integration, emphasising safety when working at deep complex levels.


An Introduction to Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy (PEP) exploring Phil Mollon’s depth approach for identifying optimum sequences for acupoint tapping


Practice Day – this provides an opportunity for deepening experiential practice and learning

PROGRAMME at Certificate Level

TAUGHT PROGRAMME (see above) plus:


Participants will have access to 10 hours of on-line video talks and demonstrations which will include content from international presenters in the field of energy psychotherapy:

  • PRACTICE DEMONSTRATIONS: of various aspects of energy psychology – 5 units
  • SPEAKERS FROM USA: in the field of Energy Psychology – 5 units
    Total Units: 10

Therapists will enhance their learning by participating in clinical supervision groups, sharing their experience of integrating energy therapy into their practice, guided by an experienced supervisor. Ten groups of 1.5 hours

Total Units: 15

Total Units: 5

Total units for Certificate level: 90

PROGRAMME – at Diploma Level

TAUGHT PROGRAMME (see above) plus:


In addition to the taught programme participants will be given access to ten hours of on-line video talks and demonstrations which will include content from international presenters in the field of energy psychotherapy:

  • PRACTICE DEMONSTRATIONS: of various aspects of energy psychology – 5 units
  • SPEAKERS FROM USA: in the field of Energy Psychology – 5 units
    Total Units: 10

Therapists will enhance their learning by participating in clinical supervision groups, sharing their experience of integrating energy therapy into their practice, guided by an experienced supervisor. Ten groups of 1.5 hours

Total Units: 15

Total Units: 5

Submission of 5000-word dissertation to comprise two case studies with reflections on the learning process. This is to demonstrate knowledge of energy psychology methods and how they have integrated them into therapeutic practice with clients (to be submitted no later than six months after the end of the course).
Total Units: 30

Total units for Diploma level: 120


NB:  Attendance of complete days – morning and afternoon – is an essential requirement of this course

At Certificate Level

Minimum of 80 per cent attendance of ten one-day seminars.
Minimum of 80 per cent attendance of ten 1.5-hour online group supervisions via Zoom.
Ten hours of online home-study via our pre-recorded talks and completion of an online test.
Award: A Certificate in Practising Energy Psychotherapy

At Diploma Level

Minimum of 80 per cent attendance of ten one-day seminars.
Minimum of 80 per cent attendance of ten 1.5-hour online group supervisions via Zoom.
Ten hours of online home-study via our pre-recorded talks and completion of an online test.
Completion of a 5000-word dissertation to comprise:
Two case studies with reflections on your learning process to demonstrate knowledge of energy psychology methods and integration of them into your therapeutic practice
Submission deadline:  January 2023
Award: A Diploma in Practising Energy Psychotherapy


The starting point of the course requires that clinicians have competence in core therapeutic and relational skills. All participants must be fully qualified and professionally accredited as a counsellor, psychotherapist, clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. Having this pre-requisite level of training assumes that course participants have an understanding of the basic tenets of establishing safety and containment in therapy in order to provide a secure base for working with energy.

Participants must:

  • Have undertaken a substantial period of personal therapy
  • Be qualified and registered /accredited by and practising according to the professional requirements and code of conduct of their regulatory body. This means:
    • a qualified accredited psychotherapist who is REGISTERED with the UKCP
    • a qualified ACCREDITED BACP member (being registered with the BACP is not sufficient)
    • a qualified psychotherapist with current accreditation by BCP (British Psychoanalytic Council)
    • a qualified clinical or counselling psychologist registered with HCPC
    • a qualified psychiatrist
  • Have professional indemnity insurance that would cover working with energy therapy methods
  • Sign and return the personal clinical contract for Confer’s Practising Energy Psychotherapy Diploma Course to ensure you are fully aware of the nature of the course and agree to abide by its guidelines.
  • Having a personal experience of energy psychotherapy for a period of time before or during the course provides an invaluable enhancement to learning and is strongly encouraged. (A list of energy psychotherapists is available on request when you sign up for the course).


  • This training is for therapeutic work with adults and we do not provide specific training for working with children. However, it is possible for child therapists to undertake the course as long as they have adult clients to work in order to learn the skills and write their dissertation. This course does not offer supervision for work with children.
  • People with other energy trainings who do not have a clinical therapy qualification recognised by one of these regulatory bodies  –  BACP, HCPC, UKCP, BCP or equivalent – do not meet the criteria for this course.

Staying in touch with you

You will be contacted by Confer:

  • On receipt of your booking and deposit verification of your details and confirmation of your place you will be sent
  • In early June 2021 with pre-course reading
  • In early July with all relevant materials for the first weekend


The majority of last years’ Practising Energy Psychotherapy Course successfully took place on-line via zoom, so the 2021 – 22 course has been designed with 9 of the 12 days on-line with the aim for 3 ‘in-person’ days so that participants can meet one another directly. However, in the event that Coronavirus continues to block in-person attendance, the course can if necessary proceed with all training taking place on zoom.

Regrettably, Confer will not be able to take responsibility for any losses incurred through cancelled travel or accommodation costs if a force majeure requires us to transfer any ‘in-person’ dates to zoom on account of Coronavirus restrictions.

By completing the application process, you agree to these terms.


Dr Phil Mollon – Senior Course Director

Phil Mollon PhD is a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, with a background profession of clinical psychology. He worked full time in the NHS mental health services for 37 years until his retirement in 2014. The author of twelve books, Dr Mollon has written and lectured widely on trauma, shame, narcissism, Kohut’s self psychology, and energy psychotherapy. Always searching for better ways of helping traumatised people, and finding limitations in purely talk-based psychotherapy, his enquiries led him to EMDR, and then to energy psychology. For the last 20 or more years he has been immersed in exploring the interface of energy psychology and psychoanalysis, to create the approach he calls Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy.

He is the originator of Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy (PEP) and author of number of books on the subject and is a past president of ACEP, the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychotherapy, the international professional organisation for energy psychology.

Ruthie Smith – Senior Course Director

Ruthie Smith is a Psychoanalytic Attachment Based Psychotherapist and Energy Psychotherapist with over 30 years’ experience in private practice and 10 years as a Principal Individual Psychotherapist and Supervisor in the NHS. She taught on a number of Psychotherapy Training Programmes before founding The Flame Centre in London where she specialises in trauma work and runs Flame residential retreats. She also teaches on Energy Psychotherapy courses and has regularly lectured and presented at events organized by Confer and others. Her interests include music (jazz and classical) and contemporary spirituality.

Dr Phil Mollon, Ruthie Smith, Paul Croal, Sandra Figgess, and Tessa Underwood

Biographies of the American Video Presenters :

Dawson ChurchJudith Swack, Sandi Radomski, David Feinstein


  1. Click the BOOK ONLINE button below
  2. Select either the Certificate or Diploma level deposit and pay
  3. Complete the application form that will be sent to you on receipt of this booking
  4. Scan and email back your professional qualification
  5. Scan and email your indemnity insurance documents showing that you are insured for practising energy psychology methods.
  6. Scan and email back evidence that you are a member of one of the regulatory professional clinical bodies on the admissions criteria.
  7. If your application is accepted we will retain your deposit and confirm your place
  8. If your application is declined we will notify you and return your deposit within 14 days


  1. Sign and return the personal contract for Confer’s Practising Energy Psychotherapy Diploma Course which is a document to ensure you are fully aware of the nature of the course and agree to abide by its guidelines.
  2. The full fee must be paid before the start of the course. See terms and conditions for details about payment and cancellations.


Senior Course Directors
Dr Phil Mollon and Ruthie Smith

Deputy Course Directors
Sandra Figgess, Tessa Underwood and Paul Croal

Director of Confer
Jane Ryan

Course Manager
Cressida Moger


Certificate level:
Deposit £500
Diploma level:
Deposit £500

Certificate level:
Final payment £1,250
Diploma level:
Final payment £2,450


Course currently being delivered online.


Saturday 24 July 2021 – Sunday 3 July 2022


09.30am – Join
10.00am – Start
16.30pm – Finish