Dr Aileen Alleyne
Dr Aileen Alleyne is a UKCP registered psychodynamic psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and organisational consultant in the UK. She lectures at several training institutions and is a consultant on issues of race and cultural diversity to private organisations and statutory bodies, such as the NHS, Social Services, Education and the Police Services.
Her clinical research examining black workers’ experiences in three institutional settings, makes a significant contribution to the discourse on race. Highlighting the concept of ‘the internal oppressor’, it offers ways of deepening understanding of black psychological reactions to the negative impact of racism. Aileen is the author of several book chapters and journal papers exploring themes on black/white dynamics, shame and identity wounding, and working with issues of difference and diversity in the workplace. Aileen presents her first published book, The Burden of Heritage: Hauntings of Generational Trauma on Black Lives. Pub: Karnac/Confer Books (July 2022), which she hopes is the first of several to come.
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Past and Current Confer Events
Post-Slavery Syndrome
Friday 22 March (eve) + Saturday 23 March
Intergenerational Trauma Conference
Thursday 10 – Sunday 13 September 2009
Cultural Narratives and Psychological Therapies
Friday 4 & Saturday 5 April 2008