Sophy Banks
Sophy Banks has worked as an engineer, computer systems analyst, psychotherapist, and family constellator, as well as playing a lot of politically radical football in East London. In 2005 she moved to Devon and soon found herself in a role she could not have dreamed – holding the inner dimension for a movement for positive change working at the community level of scale. As well as shaping Transition Town Totnes and helping to set up the Heart and Soul group she co-founded Transition Training, delivering trainings for communities and trainers internationally. There are now Transition projects in more than 50 countries including the far East, South America and Eastern Europe. In 2016 she stepped back from her role in Transition Network and has since been having a gentle time of recovery, gardening and dreaming.
Past and Current Confer Events
Transpersonal Narratives in Eco-Psychology
Friday 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 November 2017