Roz Carroll
Roz Carroll is a relational body psychotherapist and supervisor. She teaches on the MA in Integrative Psychotherapy at The Minster Centre and has been a regular speaker for Confer for twenty years.
She was a founding co-editor in 2005 of the Journal of Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy. She is editor, with Jane Ryan, of What is Normal? (Confer Books, 2020).She is the author of numerous articles and chapters on subjects such as working with the body in psychotherapy, intersubjectivity, culture, authentic movement and creative process. With Jon Blend she has developed Witnessed Improvised Diaspora Journey Enactments (WIDGE): an approach to working with therapists on embodied memories of collective and intergenerational trauma.
Online Modules
Past and Current Confer Events
Friday 4 December 2020 - A Live Webinar
Saturday 7 December 2019 - London
Confer’s 20th Anniversary Conference!
Saturday 24 November 2018
Women on the Couch – the seminar series
17 May to 13 December 2018
War in the Consulting Room
Saturday 10 December 2016
Therapy in Motion:
the journey of therapy through the language of the body
Friday 27 and Saturday 28 March 2015
Spiritual Narratives in Psychological Therapies III
Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 October 2010
New Paradigms in Psychotherapy Technique – An Intensive with Dr Pat Ogden
Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 March 2009
The Practitioner’s Body
Friday 4 and Saturday 5 April 2008