Fabiano Culora
Fabiano is a Somatic Movement Therapist and Integrative Bodyworker (Dip.IBMT, RSMT). His individual and group sessions explore bodymind connectivity, experiential anatomy and the relationship between expressive moving arts and therapeutic processes. A movement practitioner/reflective researcher in Higher Education since 2002, Fabiano’s pedagogical perspective is that teaching is a craft in continual refinement, where students’ individual journeys inspire process. He is currently on faculty at the Institute for Integrative Bodywork and Movement Therapy and Northern School of Contemporary Dance. He has taught throughout the UK, Europe, as well as USA, Russia and Iceland. He invests with deep respect for the transformational possibilities that arise through aware relational practices. Fabiano’s personal ongoing practice of Authentic Movement underpins his work as a therapeutic witness and compassionate teacher.
Past and Current Confer Events
Therapy in Motion:
the journey of therapy through the language of the body
Friday 27 and Saturday 28 March 2015