Franca Fubini

Franca Fubini

Franca Fubini lives in Italy and works as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, group analyst, supervisor and organisational consultant. Chair of Social Dreaming international Network
(SDiN), associate chair of Il Nodo Group (Italy). Member of OPUS and of ISPSO

Lecturer at Rome, Perugia and L’Aquila University in the field of Psychology and Human Resources. Senior Fellow of University College of London (UCL).

Member, consultant and director of the Italian Group Relations conferences as well as being staff of international Group Relations conferences.

She has worked with Gordon Lawrence since 1990s. Together with Lilia Baglioni, they developed Social Dreaming in Italy and delivered the first trainings for hosting Social Dreaming
programs. She has designed and directed two recent editions of the SDiN one year training and just started the third one.


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