Dr Richard Grove

Dr Richard Grove completed his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at University College London and specialised in adapting psychodynamic ideas to work with young people and adolescents. During his clinical training, he worked across multiple services and settings, and he was driven to explore why some people find it hard to access help and support. He used this time to discover how psychological theories can be adapted to produce creative and flexible ways of offering people help and challenging traditional ideas of ‘hard to reach’ groups. He completed his doctoral thesis examining attitudes and behaviours towards people with intellectual disabilities, and he has a keen interest in examining the routes of social injustice, trauma-related difficulties, and working with marginalised groups. He is currently Team Lead for Project 10/10, a co-produced community project working with young people affected by gang involvement. The project aims to work with young people to create a safe space where direct clinical interventions can be accessed by young people, whilst also aiming to work with the wider system around young people to develop how the concept of a gang is considered and understood.


Past and Current Confer Events


Vulnerability and Gang Life: Therapeutic Perspectives
Saturday 2 February 2019

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