Tirril Harris

Tirril Harris

Tirril Harris divides her time between clinical work in private practice with adults and research in Social Psychiatry with George Brown, based at the Socio-medical Research Group, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, University of London. The Brown-Harris model of depression, which has emerged from this colleagueship of some thirty years, succeeds in blending ideas from both medical sociology and psychoanalytic thought, particularly Attachment Theory, and in collecting data to verify these insights about the mutual influence between outer and inner worlds. She is vice-Chair of the International Attachment network, a member of the British Federation for Psychotherapy and is also a member of the Research Committee of the UKCP.


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Online module

The Applications of Attachment Theory to Psychotherapy
Online module

Transforming Attachments
Friday 20 & Saturday 21 February 2015

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