Dr Jean Knox
Dr Jean Knox is a psychiatrist and Jungian analyst. She is a Training Analyst of the Society of Analytical Psychology, a Senior Member and Training Therapist of the British Association of Psychotherapists and Consultant Editor of the Journal of Analytical Psychology.
She has written and taught extensively on the relevance of attachment theory and developmental neuroscience to psychotherapy theory and practice. Her book Archetype, Attachment, Analysis: Jungian Psychology and the Emergent Mind was published in 2003. Her book ‘Self-Agency in Psychotherapy: Attachment, Autonomy and Intimacy‘ was published in December 2010, in the WW Norton Interpersonal Neurobiology series.
She is currently involved in a qualitative research project to explore how agency is expressed by both therapist and patient in transcripts of psychotherapy sessions.
Online Modules
Past and Current Confer Events
The Talking Cure: The function of narrative in the psychotherapeutic process
Friday evenings, 23 January to 20 March 2015
Mirror Neurons, Embodied Empathy and the Boundaries of the Self
Friday (eve) 10 and Saturday 11 January 2014
The Power of Non-verbal Communication in the Talking Cure
Friday 17 and Saturday 18 May 2013
Autumn Seminar Series – Rupture and Repair
Monday evenings from 24 September to 10 December 2012
Working with Borderline Psychopathology Seminar Series
Tuesday evening seminars 17 January – 3 April 2012
Psychotherapeutic Skills Summer School – Working with ‘Borderline patients’
Tuesday 28 June to Saturday 2 July 2011
Intersubjectivity, Neuropsychology and Therapeutic Change
Saturday 21 May 2011
The Therapeutic Frame
10 January to 21 March 2011
Brain Mapping – A 2-day Conference. How does our Current Understanding of Neuropsychology Lead us to Good Psychotherapy Practice?
Friday 26 November 2010
Live Supervision
28 January to 18 March 2010
The Big Idea
Friday 5 (evening) and Saturday 6 March 2010
Psychotherapeutic Work with Structures and Disorders of the Self
Wednesday 14 April – Wednesday 14 July 2010