Natasa Mavronicola
Natasa Mavronicola is a Reader in Law at Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham. Her research focuses on human rights law, and intersections between human rights and criminal justice as well as counter-terrorism. She has published work in journals such as the Human Rights Law Review and the Modern Law Review. Her recently published monograph, entitled Torture, Inhumanity and Degradation under Article 3 of the ECHR: Absolute Rights and Absolute Wrongs (Hart Publishing 2021), has been reviewed in the Human Rights Law Review, the Human Rights Quarterly, and the Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme. Dr Mavronicola has served as Special Advisor to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, and has provided expert input on human rights law to bodies such as the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe.