Dr Susie Orbach
Susie Orbach is a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, writer and co-founder of The Women’s Therapy Centre in London (1976) and The WTCI in New York (1981).
She is the author of many books. Her most recent In Therapy: The Unfolding Story is an expanded edition of In Therapy (an annotated version of the BBC series listened to live by 2 million people). Her first book Fat is a Feminist Issue has been continuously in print since 1978. Bodies (which won the APA Psychology of Women’s Book Prize in 2009) was updated in 2019.
She is the recipient of the Inaugural British Psychoanalytic Council’s Lifetime Achievement Award. She was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature (FRSL) in 2019.
She continues to help many individuals and couples from her practice in London.
http://www.any-body.org /
Online Modules
Talks On Demand
Past and Current Confer Events
Saturday 30 November 2019 - London
Saturday 25 January 2020 - Dublin
Saturday 27 July 2019 - London
The Future in the Consulting Room
Saturday 27 July 2019
Confer’s 20th Anniversary Conference!
Saturday 24 November 2018
Women on the Couch
Saturday 16 June 2018
Psychotherapy is a Cultural Issue
Saturday 22 April 2017
Practising Relational Psychoanalysis – A Seminar Exploring Core Themes in Contemporary Psychotherapy
Saturday 28 April 2012
The Psychotherapeutic Challenge Of Understanding And Working With Intimacy – A Multi-Disciplinary Conference
19 & 20 June 2009
Susie Orbach – Three Papers for Discussion
28 February 2009
The Practitioner’s Body
Friday 4 & Saturday 5 April 2008
The Psychotherapeutic Challenge of Working with Envy New Theory and Clinical Work Explored
8 December 2008
Live Supervision
28 January to 18 March 2010
Psychotherapeutic Work with Structures and Disorders of the Self
Wednesday 14 April – Wednesday 14 July 2010