Emma Palmer
(previously known as Kamalamani)
Emma Palmer is a relational body psychotherapist and ecopsychologist. Practising since 2003, she is engaged in using therapy skills and contemplate practices in helping to face the realities of climate change, our disconnection from nature, and in building more creative, reflective and resilient communities.
Previously a steering group member of Psychotherapist and Counsellors for Social Responsibility, and editor of its Transformations journal, Emma is also a member of the Climate Psychology Alliance.
Author of several journal articles, she has written three books: Meditating with Character, Other than Mother: Choosing Childlessness with Life in Mind, and Bodywise. She is a regular writer for Somatic Psychotherapy Today.
For 23 years she has worked as a facilitator, from teaching postgraduate international development studies at Bristol University, to working with NGOs in sub-Saharan Africa, offering Wild therapy, and leading retreats (she has been a practicing Buddhist since 1995).
Online Modules
Past and Current Confer Events
Women on the Couch – the seminar series
17 May to 13 December 2018
Transpersonal Narratives in Eco-Psychology
Friday 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 November 2017
Eco-Psychotherapy: Healing and the Natural World
Saturday 18 March 2017
Psychotherapy and the Natural World
Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 November 2016