Professor David Peters
Professor David Peters is Clinical Director in the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Westminster where he directs the Centre for Resilience. The Centre is researching ways of measuring resilience, researching it and improving it through biofeedback, mindfulness, positive emotion and self-care. His clinical work (as a musculoskeletal physician) is informed by his time in general practice as well as by osteopathy, acupuncture and body-oriented psychotherapy. He has a particular interest in health problems where resilience has broken down (including PTSD), or where pain and fatigue overlap (as is often the case I’m Medically Unexplained Physiscal Symptoms), and in aspects of self-care for long-term conditions (for which helped develop the online Self Care Library Since the early 1990s he has led on a series of projects evaluating non-pharmaceutical treatments in the NHS. He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Holistic Healthcare.
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Past and Current Confer Events
Insecure Attachment and Unexplained Illness
Saturday 21 April 2018
The Relational Heart
Friday 25 & Saturday 26 July 2008