Jon Sletvold

Jon Sletvold

Jon Sletvold, Psy.D. , is a licensed specialist in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. He is Faculty, Training and Supervising Analyst at the Norwegian Character Analytic Institute. He has published articles particularly on the role of the body in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. He is the editor of three books, the author of The Embodied Analyst: From Freud and Reich to Relationality, winner of the Gradiva Award, 2015, and with Per Harbitz the author of Fra muskelpanser til kropper i dialog [From Muscular Armor to Bodies in Dialogue], 2019. He co-leads several online supervision/study groups on embodiment and trauma with Doris Brothers.


Online Modules

Talks On Demand

Past and Current Confer Events

A Depth Course in Embodied Psychoanalysis
Saturday 17 September 2022 – Wednesday 26 April 2023


Developing embodied awareness in the psychotherapy relationship
Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 March 2019

Reaching Embodied Integration
Saturday 11 July 2015

Psychotherapeutic Listening with the Body
A skills development workshop

Saturday 6 December 2014

Mirror Neurons, Embodies Empathy and the Boundaries of the Self
Friday (eve) 10 and Saturday 11 January 2014

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