Amy Stoddard Ajayi
Amy Stoddard Ajayi is the Strategic Lead at the Uganda Diaspora Health Foundation (UDHF), a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist at the Specialist Psychotherapy Department at Homerton Hospital and a consultant bid writer for the NHS. Amy has spent the last 10 years working on the development and provision of therapeutic projects aimed at reducing the distress experienced by refugee and asylum seeking people and young people involved in violent crime.
Over the past five years, she has become involved in the research and provision of global mental health care. Amy has a particular interest in the advancement of mutually reciprocated knowledge, practice and culture, in the hope that through collaboration and exchange, the academic bias and global health inequalities that have developed through our colonial histories will be reduced and our learning and outlook will broaden.
Past and Current Confer Events
Distress or Disease?
Traumatic roots and treatment implications for black people within the UK mental health system
Saturday 3 October 2015