Dr Alan Watkins
Alan Watkins is recognised as an international expert on leadership and human performance. He has a broad mix of commercial, academic, scientific and technological abilities. Drawing on his background as a physician and neuroscientist he has an ability to integrate different lines of development and scientific advances from many fields.
Over the past 15 years he has been a coach and confidant to many of Europe’s top leaders. He is passionate about developing enlightened leadership in the world in multiple market sectors and enabling leaders to make a more meaningful contribution in an increasingly complex world.
Prior to leaving academic medicine Alan worked for 11 years in the health care system in the USA, UK & Australia. He has published a wide variety of scientific papers in various peer reviewed scientific journals, written several book chapters and his own book on Mind Body Medicine was published in 1997. His second book, Coherence – The secret science of Brilliant Leadership was published in 2013 to high acclaim.
Alan founded Complete Coherence Limited (CCL) in 2004 and has worked with numerous executives and their boards. His combination of in-depth understanding of how human beings function, learn and develop and his commercial business acumen makes him a robust, challenging developmental coach.
http://www.complete-coherence.com /
Online Modules
Past and Current Confer Events
Saturday 1 July 2017
Neuroendocrinology for Psychotherapists
The psychophysiology of the inflammatory response in states of emotional disregulation
Saturday 26 September 2015
Yoga & Mental Health
A 3-Day Conference-Workshop Exploring its Role in Emotional Healing, Affective Regulation and Neurobiology
2 – 4 November 20012
Psychoneuroimmunology and Psychotherapy: Finding the Interface
Tuesday evenings 17 April – 26 June 2012
The Relational Heart
Friday 25 & Saturday 26 July 2008