Energy, Soul Connecting and Awakening Consciousness
Psychotherapy in a New Paradigm
Editor: Ruthie Smith
Energy, Soul Connecting and Awakening Consciousness introduces readers to energy psychotherapy, a relatively new combination of relational talking therapy and self-applied energy methods. Drawing on Ruthie Smith’s experience as a psychotherapist, musician, and meditator, this book synthesises neuroscience, epigenetics, biology, quantum physics, trauma, and the links between the body, mind and consciousness to provide an overview of energy methods. Supported by clinical vignettes throughout, Smith provides a full introduction to the field in all its complexity and wonder.Suitable for both trained therapists who are interested in learning about energy techniques and anyone wishing to incorporate this practice into their daily lives, this book illustrates how energy psychotherapy can integrate the physical, psychological, transgenerational, transpersonal and consciousness itself.
Ruthie Smith is a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist with 35 years’ clinical experience, including 10 years as a Principal Psychotherapist in the NHS and 10 years at The Flame Centre, specialising in trauma. She is currently Senior Course Director on Confer’s Diploma in Energy Psychotherapy.