Working with Domestic Violence and Emotional Abuse
Image credit: Illustration by Kat-te

Working with Domestic Violence and Emotional Abuse

An Object Relational Understanding


This webinar was recorded and is now available as a Talk on Demand. Click here for more details.

Friday 10 June 2022

A live webinar with Dr David Celani

CPD Credits: 3 hours

  • Includes a subtitled recording of the event and a transcript with access for a year (14 days post the event)
  • Bookings close at 9:00am BST Tuesday 7 June

One of the most difficult relationship patterns which can be brought to psychotherapy is domestic violence in a couple relationship. To begin with it can be very difficult for someone on the receiving end of abuse to take this step. Victims often resist intervention until they are in desperate emotional or physical danger.



Dr David Celani,


14.00 BST

The Development Of Pathological Ego Structures, Their Relationship To Each Other, And Their Impact On Reality
Fairbairn’s focus on child development was the child’s absolute dependency on the parent and his recognition that child needs a consistent sense of security for emotional development to occur. We will consider how emotional rejections create a dissociated and repressed set of self and object images in the child’s unconscious. The memories and powerful emotions that the child experience while being abandoned or humiliated coalesce into a self-view called the antilibidinal ego. To counterbalance unmet need and despair, the child creates a second pair of compensatory self and object structures that offer them hope. These fantasy-based structures are also mostly unconscious and consist of the libidinal ego that seeks love and safety from the exciting object parent and offers the child hope. Only one pair of self-and-other perceptions can dominate at one time, while the others are repressed.



Responding to the Split-Off Selves When They Emerge in the Therapy Session
This talk will demonstrate how to understand, identify and respond to powerful patient transferences that result from the projection of any of the four unconscious structures: the rejecting or exciting object, or the antilibidinal or libidinal ego onto the therapist. These structures frequently dominate the patient’s consciousness in the therapy session and sweep away the patient’s central ego. In particular, the ‘victim’ will shift their perceptions of the abuser from a rejecting monster to awaiting lover. The clinician will need to understand and respond to the extreme and unintegrated views of the external object. Each structure requires a different response that indicates to the patient’s weakened central ego that the therapist understands what is going on in the session. Fairbairn’s model of the inner world allows the therapist to understand patient dynamics, which aids in protecting him/her from becoming entangled in their projections. Furthermore, the therapist can gradually introduce the patient’s central ego to their various hidden internal structures when they emerge during the sessions.



Fairbairn’s Structural Model As Applied To Domestic Violence, And Lenore Walker’s “Cycle Theory Of Violence”
Domestic violence often follows a predictable pattern, as described by Walker in her book The Battered Woman (1979) and this beautifully maps onto each of Fairbairn’s ego structures. In the unfolding stages of abuse conceptualized by Walker as “the tension-building phase”, we typically find the patient holding on to the libidinal ego view of the abuser. As the violence escalates and the “acute battering incident” phase begins, the victim gives up the libidinal view of the abuser and splits into their enraged and terrified antilibidinal ego, accurately seeing the abuser as a dangerous rejecting object. This perception allows the victim to re-experience the frustrated rage with and fear of the original parents, while the antilibidinal ego’s goal is to reform or punish the abuser – goals that are never in reach. As the ‘abuser’ dissipates their rage, they see the damage done, and suddenly fear being abandoned by the victim. This begins the third phase of the scenario, called by Walker the “Kindness and Contrite Loving Behavior”. Here the abuser shifts their view of the victim to a libidinal enhanced perception and now sees them as an exciting object that holds the promise of love. They turn on the charm to convince the victim to view them as an exciting object once again. Fairbairn’s model can be applied at every juncture which opens up this confusing interchange of behaviors.



Specific Therapeutic Strategies
The day will conclude with a description of specific dynamics and treatment tactics that are useful working with couples involved in domestic violence who seek out rejecting/exciting bad objects. The fundamental strategy is to make the patient’s unconscious structures gradually known to the conscious central ego, while simultaneously strengthening the ego via the nurturing relationship to the therapist. Several examples will be described, including how to interpret the patient’s shifting ego states during therapy in ways that are understandable to them, and do not increase their resistance.




Bookings close at 9:00am BST Tuesday 7 June

Live Webinar:

£70 (Member £56)
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Includes a recording of the event


Certificates of attendance for 3 hours will be provided


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14.00 BST Introductions
14.10 The Development Of Pathological Ego Structures, Their Relationship To Each Other, And Their Impact On Reality
14.40 Q&A
15.00 Break
15.15 Responding to the Split-Off Selves When They Emerge in the Therapy Session
15.45 Q&A
16.00 Break
16.15 Fairbairn’s Structural Model As Applied To Domestic Violence, And Lenore Walker’s “Cycle Theory Of Violence”
16.45 Q&A
17.00 Break
17.15 Specific Therapeutic Strategies
17.45 Q&A
18.00 End


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