
Frequently Asked Questions

Live Events (In-Person)

Live Events – In-Person at Venue2022-05-19T16:53:00+01:00

Please be assured that the safety of our event participants is of the utmost importance to us. We continue to follow safety and hygiene measures.

All in-person events at the Confer venue are now being sold to full capacity seating, in line with government guidance.

The following measures are in place:

  • We recommend that you wear a face covering during your visit to us, when moving round the venue and whilst watching the event, unless you are exempt or under 11 years old
  • Our ventilation system draws in fresh air from outside, rather than recycled air
  • Enhanced cleaning; including high intensity touch points
  • Multiple hand sanitiser stations
  • Recommendation to participants to bring minimal possessions with them
  • Contactless ticketing
  • Contactless payment

We will continue to review safety arrangements on a regular basis and update as necessary.

Live Webinars (using Zoom)

What is the difference between webcast and a webinar?2020-04-30T14:47:26+01:00
  • Our webcasts are usually live events, filmed with professional cameras on-site as part of a face to face event that are broadcast through the Confer website using the YouTube streaming platform. Although we accept questions from viewers at home, these webcasts are slightly less interactive than a webinar session.
  • Our webinars however, are more interactive and involve using 3rd party software (not directly accessed through our website). We are using Zoom software, where a group of attendees join the same ‘virtual room’ and can interact, talk, text chat and see each other (via webcam) where these options have been enabled.
    • It’s worth noting we may restrict video interactions for our larger events (of 50+ attendees), to avoid distracting from the main speaker. However, we appreciate it helps to create a more engaging atmosphere, so we will encourage participation through the text chat and voice inputs wherever possible.
    • For these larger events, we will likely use Zoom Webinar rather than Zoom Meetings. The general functionality will be exactly the same, with some restrictions on using video chat in particular (which can be problematic and distracting with a high number of attendees).
Does it cost me anything to use Zoom?2020-04-30T15:42:00+01:00

Confer are essentially hosting the event, and we have our own license.

Will Zoom work on my computer / tablet / phone?2020-04-30T15:44:08+01:00

Zoom is mostly device agnostic, which means it works well on a range of operating systems and devices. The general functionality (such as the mute / unmute function) will remain the same across different devices, but the layout on the screen may be slightly different for each individual. We’ll do our best to support everyone getting into Zoom), we may not be able to offer fully bespoke technical support. Feel free to contact us via support@confer.uk.com / 0207 535 7595 ahead of an event

We’ll also have technical support available on the day of the live event, to help with any troubleshooting and help make the experience as smooth as possible.

Do I need a microphone and / or camera?2020-05-21T16:17:47+01:00

Having a microphone and a camera can help make the session more interactive and inviting to see everyone’s faces and hear each other’s voices. However, they are not absolutely necessary to participate in the events. Where the video interaction may be limited (with events of 60+ attendees) please note that the text chat and Q&A option will still be available for you to submit questions and comments.

How do I use the chat?2020-04-30T17:44:35+01:00

When in the Zoom meeting, if you can’t see the chat window, when hovering over the main video, you should see a button at the bottom of the page that says ‘Chat’. Click this and the chat window will appear.

From within this newly opened window, at the bottom it will say ‘Type message here…’. Just above this field, it will say ‘To:’, and then say ‘Everybody’. This means that everybody in the chat window will see your message. If it does not say everybody, you can click on it and then select ‘Everybody’ from the list, or you can select another person to send a private message to. Then click where it says ‘Type message here…’, type your message and then hit enter.

Zoom-Gallery View Showing Chat


(Image showing where the ‘Chat’ icon will appear)



(Image showing the text chat, which should appear in the bottom right of your screen)

How do I know if a meeting is being recorded?2020-04-30T16:17:42+01:00

A red “recording” button will appear at the top left of the screen.

For copyright reasons please do not record the seminar or discussion using your own devices.

Please note some photography and video recordings may be used by Confer (the event organiser) for the purposes of education and/or promoting its activities and may be published on its websites and circulated to the press and other social/media organisations for publication, transmission or broadcast.

If an instructor shares a PowerPoint slide show (which would be full screen), is the zoom toolbar still accessible? Or would the instructor have to exit out of the slideshow to access the toolbar?2020-04-30T16:21:04+01:00

The toolbar is always accessible but if you don’t set it to always show control bar, it will be hidden and you may need to locate again (usually by hovering your cursor at the bottom of the screen).

Zoom – Official FAQ2020-04-30T16:26:25+01:00
Zoom – Video Training Clips and Demonstrations2020-04-30T16:29:28+01:00
How can I submit questions during an event?2020-05-21T16:23:37+01:00

In most instances we’ll invite people to share questions using the ‘Q&A’ feature. Simply click the ‘Q&A’ icon at the bottom of your screen, type your question and press ‘Submit’. On occasion we’ll invite attendees to elaborate and talk through their question / comment. For this to happen the host / co-host will unmute you to allow you to talk. You can also use the ‘Chat’ feature, but for some this will only be used for comments or technical queries to allow us to better manage questions using the ‘Q&A’ feature.

Use Of Modules

How long do I have access to the module for?2019-01-28T20:50:30+00:00

365 days. If you want to continue to access the content after that date you would need to re-subscribe.

How often can I watch the videos?2019-01-28T20:51:09+00:00

As often as you like.

Can I share the videos or other content with my students or colleagues?2019-07-16T17:53:17+01:00

In order to do so you would need an institutional account or teaching licence, which provides access to a group of people at a reduced fee per person.

Can I share files with friends?2019-01-28T20:52:21+00:00

No. That is not allowed within the terms and conditions of your contract with Confer.


I have added too many items to my basket. How can I remove them?2019-01-28T20:53:06+00:00

Click the remove button in the payment page

I want to open an institutional account. How do I do that?2019-07-16T17:54:22+01:00

Follow the link: BUY THIS MODULE. Next, select the option Institutional Account and follow the prompt ‘add to basket’. Update the quantity for one module per member of your group. We will then contact you to request their names and email addresses. Upon receipt of these we open an account for each person and supply them with a unique login password giving them complete access to the module for 365 days.

I am not in the UK and don’t have a postcode or zip. How should I fill in that part of the form?2019-01-28T20:54:28+00:00

Insert 3 zeros (000)

I’ve booked or made a payment on behalf of a colleague or associate. How do I ensure they can gain access to the material or live session?2021-11-09T17:23:58+00:00

Please clarify all attendee names and emails by sending an email with this information to support@confer.uk.com

Talks On Demand

How does the chapter function in your video player work?2020-12-04T13:43:23+00:00

By selecting the ‘chapter’ icon within the video player (see image below) you will able to skip through our video content to a specific speaker or section of our recorded talks for your added convenience.  More information can on how chapters work can be found here.



Special accommodations for disabilities2021-11-02T15:59:52+00:00

If you need special accommodations for your disability, please contact us at events@confer.uk.com, or by telephone: +44 (0) 203 9042259. We will respond to inquiries within 72 hours.

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