Every Family has a Story
How we inherit love and loss
Recorded Friday 23 September 2022
With Julia Samuel, Emily Samuel and Amber Jeffrey
CPD Credits: 3.5 hours
When we see clients individually, in couples or families, we will inevitably work with issues that come from their family of origin or the family they are making. Each client will bring their story of love and loss, joy and pain. They come suffering in the present, but their pain is often woven with threads from the past – maybe many generations stacked behind them.
In this workshop we will examine aspects of how we can work with clients who carry multi-generation trauma, how to work with parents to protect this being passed down to their children.
READ MORE...We will also hear about the lived experience of Amber Jeffrey, who has experienced multiple traumas including the death of her beloved mother, and how she can be with this loss and be with her family in the present moment.
CPD – Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits for 3.5 hours are available as part of the course fee. You will need to pass a multiple choice questionnaire related to the content in order to receive your certificate.
Access to the Talks On Demand runs for 365 days from the date of purchase.
Julia Samuel
Family stories from the psychotherapist to author
Julia became interested in client experiences of their families and their generational past. Particularly considering what exactly is passed down from one generation to the next, both behaviourally and epigenetically. Asking why do some families thrive despite huge adversity and others fragment? What predicts family break down? Why do our families drive us mad? This was the focus of her recently published book ‘Every Family Has a Story: How We Inherit Love and Loss.’ In her presentation she will discuss her work with these families, what she has learnt, what was difficult as well as the issues of privacy when publishing case studies. Finally, she will present the ‘Twelve Touchstones For Family’ created as an antidote to trauma that has been passed down.
Amber Jeffrey
No Two Grief Stories Are The Same
Amber has great interest in exploring how we all handle grief. How we tick, what comforts us and what really doesn’t. Through storytelling, we can and will learn much about others’ processes and even our own. Amber will share her own experience of discovering how herself and brother came to the realization they are grieving for their mother in polar opposites, but with time, understanding and respecting one another’s methods.
Q&A with Julia Samuel
Emily Samuel
Breaking the Cycle – dyadic approaches to interrupting intergenerational trauma
Trauma impacts how we think, feel and react to the world around us and the people in it. This frequently goes on to inform how we parent and consequently our children’s experiences. Emily will discuss the impact of trauma on parenting and the need to use a family-centred approach that considers caregiver history. She will explore her dyadic work at Yale with young children (under 5) and their caregivers – both of whom had frequently experienced trauma. Emily will show how when families are supported in creating an understanding of how the past has impacted the present, not only does this support the caregiver-child relationship it also creates hope that the past will not be repeated.
Q&A With all speakers