Post-Slavery Syndrome: Exploring The Clinical Impact Of The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Free until 31st July (Now closed)
With Module Speakers:
Wayne Mertins-Brown, Eugene Ellis, Judy Ryde, Dr Aileen Alleyne, Foluke Taylor, Robert Downes, Lennox Thomas (1952-2020).
This module is about living and practicing psychotherapy in a society that is deeply damaged by the legacy of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Filmed at our 2019 conference, the discussion is premised on the theory that through the mostly unconscious transmission of intergenerational trauma, affect and narratives, we continue to perpetuate a destructive power disparity between today’s black and white communities; that we are locked into histories that we didn’t create but which control our thinking and which need to be continually challenged in order for us to grow emotionally as a society.
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